Careers Guidance

Preparation for Adulthood (Careers)



The CEIAG department is known as Preparation for Adulthood at Evergreen School, we encompass all aspects of careers information, guidance and enterprise to support each and every one of our students.

Preparation For Adulthood Learning Mentor: Rachael Woodcock

Please contact us on:

Tel: 01926 290444



Supporting our students to understand about their next steps is very important to us at Evergreen School. We believe that the more you know the better informed you are to make the right choice. We also believe it is important for parents and carers to understand the next steps in order to support their child in making these life decisions.

Pupils at Evergreen School follow a personalised curriculum and we link careers-based skills from reception all the way through to Post-16. At the younger ages this could include: turn taking, sorting/ordering, counting and social communication skills. Later on, in their school career this includes: internal and external work experience placements, college visits, careers advice and employability skills qualifications. We aim for all students to have work encounters and enterprise activities throughout their time at Evergreen School.

These are just a few examples of how we support our children and young people to develop the skills needed to support their future. Many of the above skills develop ‘independence’ – career outcomes are not just about higher education or employment, for some of our young people, supported living will be their future outcome. In this case, it is vitally important that independence skills are recognised and developed to ensure that as adults our young people are able to access as much independence for their future life.

We measure our successes against the 8 ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’, which are:

  1. A stable career programme
  2. Learning from labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of every pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further education
  8. Personal guidance

Further detailed information on The Gatsby Benchmarks can be found online.


LMI – Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information 2023 

Warwickshire Transition Guide

Transition Guide

Warwickshire Local Offer

SEND Local Offer


Baker Clause Policy Statement


As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we are happy to consider requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to them.  Evergreen School also proactively seeks to build relationships with these partners as we plan our Preparation for Adulthood/Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) programme activity throughout the school year to ensure that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across different school years.  The purpose of these relationships are to offer information on vocational, technical, internships and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways.

Opportunities for providers to speak with students may include school assemblies or employer and provider engagement events such as joint or separate career fairs.  Evergreen School Preparation for Adulthood/ CIAG programme is monitored by its school board and the quality and impact by the school’s Senior Leadership Team. The monitoring of access to and opportunities to engage with, technical, vocational and training providers will form part of this process.

In the first instance, requests by providers should be sent to Evergreen School Preparation for Adulthood Team: or telephone 01926 290444.

All requests will be considered on the basis of staffing availability to support the activity, clashes with other planned activity, interruption to the curriculum, examinations or rooming and space availability to host the activity.



A little about Career Seekers Direct and what to expect at the Preparation for Adulthood interviews  Career Seekers Direct