Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh

As we continue to grow, improve and broaden the provision at Evergreen School, we are excited to soon be adding the Duke of Edinburgh Award to our (DofE) curriculum! DofE offers pupils aged 14-25 years old the opportunity to gain and practice a wide range of unique and essential life, living, independence and social skills. The award has four areas which, throughout the school year, pupils will participate in; Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. More information about these areas and what they consist of is shown below.

At Evergreen School, we are offering all pupils aged 14-19 the opportunity to participate in the Bronze Award, starting in September 2021. This will give our pupils endless fantastic opportunities to develop their confidence, independence, social skills, self-esteem, teamwork skills, life skills, employability skills and access lots of new and different activities that will broaden their horizons. DofE is now an award that is known and admired worldwide and is looked on favourably by colleges and employers for when our students look towards gaining further education and employment.

Duke of Edinburgh really can be a catalyst for your young person to enjoy new experiences, put themselves outside of their comfort zone and learn new skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. With the support from familiar and experienced teaching staff in school and expert external outdoor activity leaders, the opportunities that DofE brings with it are priceless!

The Bronze Award


Some example activities that your young person may wish to choose for each of the sections could be:

Some useful links…

Here are a range of useful links that provide some more information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award and programme.

Click the logo to find out more about D of E:

Parents Information

Activity Ideas 


Our first expedition is due to commence w/b 3rd July 2023!