Children & Families Front Door (CFFD)

About the Children and Families Front Door (Previously ‘MASH’)

The Children and Families Front Door brings together Children’s Social Care and Early Help in to one place to facilitate early, better quality information sharing, analysis and decision-making to safeguard children, young people and families more effectively.

When there are concerns for the safety and wellbeing of children in the Warwickshire, the first point of contact for the Front Door is the Triage Hub.

The Children and Families Front Door also incorporates the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) which is a partnership between:

  • Warwickshire County Council
  • Warwickshire Police
  • The National Health Service (NHS)
  • Other key partner agencies


How does it work?

The CFFD acts as the first point of contact, receiving NEW safeguarding concerns or enquiries and collating information from different agencies to build up a holistic picture of the circumstances of a case.

When a concern is reported, this will go to the Triage Hub. Following this, agencies involved quickly share information on a case and make a swift decision on the most appropriate action needed. Better co-ordination between agencies will also lead to an improved service for children, adults and their families.

The CFFD will replace The MASH and a range of existing referral points. It will allow agencies to work together more closely – an approach which is already working elsewhere in the country.

Children and Families Front Door- further information.

Report a concern

If you have concerns that a child or young person is suffering ANY form of neglect, abuse or cruelty, contact us immediately on:

01926 414144

Lines are open from:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
  • Friday: 8.30am – 5pm

Out of hours

If you have an emergency outside of usual office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team immediately on:

01926 886922

Emergency contact

If you think that a child or young person is at immediate risk, contact the police immediately on: